During the summer people want to look their best while wearing less so here are some pointers from WESTROK THAT WILL KEEP THAT ASS WHIPPED!!!
1. CHALLENGE YOURSELF!!! Stop doing the same routine day in and day out. Do something interesting and keep it exciting. The basics for keeping your routine on its toes is changing the rest period, repetition count, and number of sets. The next level would be the movement, try to get your body to move in ways you haven’t move before. The body strength and tone adapts to the movement, so you want a body that is like a ripple of muscles from your toes to your head, you have to move every part of your body.
2. GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!! During the summertime the body naturally adapts to the heat and tunes in to be lean. Heat helps you to burn more calories!! You can easily burn some calories by getting from under the air condition. Walk more, while it is beautiful outside and take advantage to keep tightening that summer body.
3. TAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF. Many people are socially overwhelmed during the summertime trying to make up for all the lost partying during the winter. Listen, don’t push it! It’s important to have time for yourself. Hormonal imbalances happen from high level of stress, in return softening up that tight summer body. Stress from over extending yourself for holiday event planning, family visits, work events, social drinking, socializing, and the beach grind can be exhausting. Every day of the week make sure you find a quiet place for yourself away from everything and do absolutely nothing, for at least 20minutes. Don’t worry; I give you permission, does it!!
4. RELAX ON ALL THE BREWSKIS. OK, I really try to hit people where it hurts!! Stop the frequent drinking. I know more people at the end of the summer trying to get fit from all of the drinking that had taken place over the summer then my clients who want to get fit for the beginning of the summer!!!! Come on we are all adults (I hope) and drinking in moderation is fine, but if you find yourself having “a few” drinks every night, regardless if its rosé or bud light it will throw off your tight ASS AND GUT. Not only does alcohol totally demolishes your bodies system of recovery which is the main component of builds muscle, it dehydrates you causing your body to retain whatever liquid it has. THAT DON’T SOUND LIKE A FORMULA FOR A SUMMERTIME HOTTEE, I mean body.
5. SLEEP. So you are working less, partying more and globetrotting. You are on Qinetic.com doing ROK FORCE FUSION training hard with WESTROK 7 days a week, along with some Crossfit, Zumba, and you are looking good. When are you sleeping? If you can make sure to get 6-7 hours of sleep per night not only will it allow for you to have more energy than yesterday you will also be able to help the muscle growth and overall body tone, builds stamina, and kills off daytime fatigue.
6. GET IN THE OCEAN WATER. Not only swimming in the ocean can strengthen your circulatory system, heart, capillaries, arteries, vein, and overall strength there are other beneficial factors. The only beaches that II grew up with in Chicago were manmade, Lake Michigan. Living in NYC has given me the opportunity to discover the invigorating ocean and its benefits. The benefit includes the minerals, specifically the magnesium which help hydrate and improve the appearance of your skin, relaxes muscles, and the sounds of the waves are therapeutic, reducing stress and helping induce sleep. So planning a trip to the beach is day 1 of our training program, enjoy.
7. LIFT SOME HEAVY WEIGHT. This is a basic, SQUAT, PRESS, DEADLIFT, and RUN FAST. You need to put some weight on a bar and do the exercises like a BRUTE!! Stop jogging and do some sprint intervals…up a hill!!! If you want to help your summertime metabolism and make some big change, work those major muscles. Work harder than you have ever worked and this goes back to rule 1; CHALLENGE YOURSELF!!!
8. SET SOME GOALS. I always recommend that an individual have 1 main goal for the year and 3 minor goals to achieve every 6-10 weeks to reach the main goal. This allows for you to keep your eye on the prize, especially with all the summertime distractions. You make no excuses about what you want; your next move is to find a plan.
9. GET INFORMATION. Staying in great shape and knowing what to do is really about the information that you have. Make sure that you are not guessing!! Look to fitness professional or coach to help you to plan what is the best type of work for you. Set a weekly plan to get consistent results, not only during the summertime but all year round. Yes, it feels good have a hot body in a bikini or Speedo, but it’s even better when you have optimal health to remain for a life time. Making overall fitness and wellness a main component in your life.
During the summer people want to look their best while wearing less so here are some pointers from WESTROK THAT WILL KEEP THAT ASS WHIPPED!!!
1. CHALLENGE YOURSELF!!! Stop doing the same routine day in and day out. Do something interesting and keep it exciting. The basics for keeping your routine on its toes is changing the rest period, repetition count, and number of sets. The next level would be the movement, try to get your body to move in ways you haven’t move before. The body strength and tone adapts to the movement, so you want a body that is like a ripple of muscles from your toes to your head, you have to move every part of your body.
2. GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!! During the summertime the body naturally adapts to the heat and tunes in to be lean. Heat helps you to burn more calories!! You can easily burn some calories by getting from under the air condition. Walk more, while it is beautiful outside and take advantage to keep tightening that summer body.
3. TAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF. Many people are socially overwhelmed during the summertime trying to make up for all the lost partying during the winter. Listen, don’t push it! It’s important to have time for yourself. Hormonal imbalances happen from high level of stress, in return softening up that tight summer body. Stress from over extending yourself for holiday event planning, family visits, work events, social drinking, socializing, and the beach grind can be exhausting. Every day of the week make sure you find a quiet place for yourself away from everything and do absolutely nothing, for at least 20minutes. Don’t worry; I give you permission, does it!!
4. RELAX ON ALL THE BREWSKIS. OK, I really try to hit people where it hurts!! Stop the frequent drinking. I know more people at the end of the summer trying to get fit from all of the drinking that had taken place over the summer then my clients who want to get fit for the beginning of the summer!!!! Come on we are all adults (I hope) and drinking in moderation is fine, but if you find yourself having “a few” drinks every night, regardless if its rosé or bud light it will throw off your tight ASS AND GUT. Not only does alcohol totally demolishes your bodies system of recovery which is the main component of builds muscle, it dehydrates you causing your body to retain whatever liquid it has. THAT DON’T SOUND LIKE A FORMULA FOR A SUMMERTIME HOTTEE, I mean body.
5. SLEEP. So you are working less, partying more and globetrotting. You are on Qinetic.com doing ROK FORCE FUSION training hard with WESTROK 7 days a week, along with some Crossfit, Zumba, and you are looking good. When are you sleeping? If you can make sure to get 6-7 hours of sleep per night not only will it allow for you to have more energy than yesterday you will also be able to help the muscle growth and overall body tone, builds stamina, and kills off daytime fatigue.
6. GET IN THE OCEAN WATER. Not only swimming in the ocean can strengthen your circulatory system, heart, capillaries, arteries, vein, and overall strength there are other beneficial factors. The only beaches that II grew up with in Chicago were manmade, Lake Michigan. Living in NYC has given me the opportunity to discover the invigorating ocean and its benefits. The benefit includes the minerals, specifically the magnesium which help hydrate and improve the appearance of your skin, relaxes muscles, and the sounds of the waves are therapeutic, reducing stress and helping induce sleep. So planning a trip to the beach is day 1 of our training program, enjoy.
7. LIFT SOME HEAVY WEIGHT. This is a basic, SQUAT, PRESS, DEADLIFT, and RUN FAST. You need to put some weight on a bar and do the exercises like a BRUTE!! Stop jogging and do some sprint intervals…up a hill!!! If you want to help your summertime metabolism and make some big change, work those major muscles. Work harder than you have ever worked and this goes back to rule 1; CHALLENGE YOURSELF!!!
8. SET SOME GOALS. I always recommend that an individual have 1 main goal for the year and 3 minor goals to achieve every 6-10 weeks to reach the main goal. This allows for you to keep your eye on the prize, especially with all the summertime distractions. You make no excuses about what you want; your next move is to find a plan.
9. GET INFORMATION. Staying in great shape and knowing what to do is really about the information that you have. Make sure that you are not guessing!! Look to fitness professional or coach to help you to plan what is the best type of work for you. Set a weekly plan to get consistent results, not only during the summertime but all year round. Yes, it feels good have a hot body in a bikini or Speedo, but it’s even better when you have optimal health to remain for a life time. Making overall fitness and wellness a main component in your life.

Meditation is, I have found to be the most worthwhile practice in life. I do many practices: dance, weight training, other types of fitness, stretching, yoga, prana yama, Reiki, writing and cleansing. Meditation is the most important to me because it is directly communing with your consciousness and therefore your feelings, limitations and potential. An advanced teacher that you can learn from is definitely indispensable.
Anyone can meditate although there have been several times I meet people who say they just can't meditate. I assure you it simply takes time and consistent practice as well as some good tips from someone more experienced. Having at least 12 years of experience with meditation I have seen the difference after years time, it is worth investing years if not the rest of your life. Meditation has brought faith and a spaciousness into my life around any kind of endeavor, be it stress, a desired outcome, hurt surrounding a relationship, financial struggle and physical challenges. Due to my meditation practice I don't get caught up in my stressful thoughts when they arise, I don't take it too seriously, I can orient my focus toward changing my attitude, appreciating others and acting with greater consideration. I share this because I don't take credit for these positive outcomes in my experience of life, rather I know it is due to the practice of meditation and all that it stands for based on Buddhas teachings. There are many types of meditation and so I can only speak to my experience with the Buddhist teachings on meditation. Bringing your mind inward focusing on your breath and an overall peaceful state within is a great place to start. Breathing peace and harmony as you inhale, letting go as you exhale. We all have so much to let go of! Sitting vertically is best for posture and
alignment either in cross legged or a kneeling position. Any
comfortable hand mudra can work.
For some sitting isn't a comfortable option. Standing can work for some and is nice to maintain that vertical position. Laying down can work but may be challenging to avoid falling asleep, but if this is the best option for you, embrace the challenge! I am happy to dialogue about meditation and healing so if you feel inspired see my details at: www.healingwithtanya.com
Meditation is, I have found to be the most worthwhile practice in life. I do many practices: dance, weight training, other types of fitness, stretching, yoga, prana yama, Reiki, writing and cleansing. Meditation is the most important to me because it is directly communing with your consciousness and therefore your feelings, limitations and potential. An advanced teacher that you can learn from is definitely indispensable.
Anyone can meditate although there have been several times I meet people who say they just can't meditate. I assure you it simply takes time and consistent practice as well as some good tips from someone more experienced. Having at least 12 years of experience with meditation I have seen the difference after years time, it is worth investing years if not the rest of your life. Meditation has brought faith and a spaciousness into my life around any kind of endeavor, be it stress, a desired outcome, hurt surrounding a relationship, financial struggle and physical challenges. Due to my meditation practice I don't get caught up in my stressful thoughts when they arise, I don't take it too seriously, I can orient my focus toward changing my attitude, appreciating others and acting with greater consideration. I share this because I don't take credit for these positive outcomes in my experience of life, rather I know it is due to the practice of meditation and all that it stands for based on Buddhas teachings. There are many types of meditation and so I can only speak to my experience with the Buddhist teachings on meditation. Bringing your mind inward focusing on your breath and an overall peaceful state within is a great place to start. Breathing peace and harmony as you inhale, letting go as you exhale. We all have so much to let go of! Sitting vertically is best for posture and
alignment either in cross legged or a kneeling position. Any
comfortable hand mudra can work.
For some sitting isn't a comfortable option. Standing can work for some and is nice to maintain that vertical position. Laying down can work but may be challenging to avoid falling asleep, but if this is the best option for you, embrace the challenge! I am happy to dialogue about meditation and healing so if you feel inspired see my details at: www.healingwithtanya.com

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4. Topical Magnesium. This is an anti-stress mineral which helps aches, reduce pain, regulate blood pressure, balance blood sugar levels, increase circulation, calm the central nervous system, and relax tense muscles. You will want o use the topical version because ingesting the mineral acts more as a laxative than a sedative. Soaking in a warm bath with a couple of scoops of this mineral before bed will reduce your body’s stress load and improve the quality of your sleep.
VERY IMPORTANT: Even though these are helpful in aiding you sleep, don't solely rely on them. You want to first cultivate the natural essentials practices that I recommended as your life's normal routine. A supplement is just that, an extra These supplements are not addictive but they can be a crutch if used regularly. Lets not use crutches, lets build foundation!
VERY IMPORTANT: Even though these are helpful in aiding you sleep, don't solely rely on them. You want to first cultivate the natural essentials practices that I recommended as your life's normal routine. A supplement is just that, an extra These supplements are not addictive but they can be a crutch if used regularly. Lets not use crutches, lets build foundation!
Corporate HEALTH & WELLNESS Seminar Series
Our goal is to guide your company's employees to being their best version everyday at work and home. Our program teaches maintenance of mental stability, physical longevity, and emotional health. This helps decrease work related depression, elevates productivity and attitude. We present health and wellness tools within a 2-3 day interactive seminar. Employees are empowered with methods, information, and practical routines. By understanding 4 principals of strength, nutrition, and mental wellness. Ultimately your company's overall morale is raised.